You may be hesitant to consider dentures as an option, especially if you’re young. But if you have damaged or missing teeth from an accident or tooth decay, then dentures could be your best bet. Technology advances allow our dentists to confidently recommend dentures to people of all ages, as they are more comfortable and versatile than before.
What’s important is that our dentists in Medicine Hat specialize in dental procedures. We’re here to help you get a new set of teeth so you can get back to doing what you love the most.
Dentures can help you in many ways, from reshaping your facial muscles, chewing food, and improving bite alignment. In comparison to a bridge that anchors your teeth using your natural teeth, dentures sit on top of your gums and replace your natural teeth.
The first step is to get a consult from one of our dentists in Medicine Hat to see what type of dentures you need.
There are many different types of dentures available, depending on your needs. A partial denture is often considered when you still have some natural teeth left, but you need a strong structure to help you do everyday tasks, like chew your food. A complete denture set is for replacing all of your teeth when you need a full set of natural-looking teeth. Implant-supported dentures involve getting a few implants to support the dentures.
Other types of dentures include immediate dentures, overdentures, and custom dentures.
Getting dentures is a significant change, so you may feel uncomfortable at first as your mouth and gums adjust and start to heal. It’s recommended that you keep your dentures in your mouth for the first 24 hours, get lots of rest, and use an ice pack to ease any swelling.
Will My Dentures Last Forever?
No, your dentures will last, on average, seven to 10 years. Dentures can be more prone to chipping and wear and tear than our natural teeth, so it’s critical to follow your dentists’ instructions for the care of your dentures. You’ll need a special toothpaste to brush your teeth and a specially designed toothbrush to get the best results.
Always ask your dentist if you have any questions about taking care of your teeth.
The cost of getting dentures depends on what type of dentures you need. The prices increase if you require tooth implants to support your dentures, but the final cost will depend on how many implants you need.
A basic full set of dentures can range from $600 to $3,000, and a custom set could land you upwards of $15,000.
Call for a consult today, and one of our dentists will guide you towards a happy and healthy smile, no matter what your age.
Medically reviewed by Dr. Gurshant Grew - D.D.S. on June 24, 2021
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