At some point or another, almost everyone will experience a dental issue of some kind. Most will be relatively inconsequential and can be shrugged off without much worry. However, there are certain warning signs that you should not ignore if you ever want to have strong, healthy teeth for the duration of your life.

If you are regularly experiencing any of the following issues, you should consult an oral hygienist, doctor, or your family dentist in Medicine Hat as soon as possible.

1) Tooth Sensitivity to Cold

It’s completely natural to experience some sensitivity when biting into ice cream or chewing on an ice cube. However, if one day you’re eating something cold and you suddenly experience a sharp, shooting pain in your teeth along with noticeable sensitivity to cold touch, this could be an early indication of something more serious.

Oftentimes, the sensitivity is caused by tooth decay. If this is the case, you should immediately schedule an appointment with a dentist to find out what’s going on and how to treat it.

2) Swelling of Gums Around Your Teeth

Gum swelling can be caused by normal activities such as frequent flossing or brushing of your teeth, but if swelling around your teeth persists for more than a day after such an action, it may indicate serious underlying dental issues such as periodontal disease or possibly even an abscessed tooth.

And if abscesses aren’t treated soon enough, they can lead to serious and life-threatening infections in the jawbone and surrounding tissues. In any case, you should schedule a dentist appointment ASAP to determine the cause of your swollen gums.

3) Changes in the Way Tooth Sensitivity is Affected by Cold or Hot Temperatures

If you’ve had a toothache before and even if it was only a minor issue, you’re probably familiar with how hot and cold foods affect sensitivity in your teeth when they come in contact. It’s not normal for this sensitivity to vary from day to day or from hot to cold when there are no dental issues present. If this change occurs suddenly after months of experiencing little-to-no discomfort, seek out medical advice as soon as possible.

4) Mucus Discharge From Your Gums

Another sign of a potential dental issue is any mucus discharge from the gum tissue surrounding your teeth. This can be a symptom of a bacterial infection in your gums or even an early warning sign of something more serious such as leukemia, so you should immediately contact your doctor if you notice this change.

5) Receding Gums

If you ever experience a general discomfort when chewing food, it could indicate that the enamel on one (or more) of your teeth is starting to wear away and receding below the gum line. Although this may not pose much threat at first, over time it will cause problems with both your oral hygiene and overall health. It’s best to schedule an appointment with your dentist and begin treatment as soon as possible.

Gums should come together directly behind each of your teeth where they are firmly anchored. If your gums over time begin to recede further and further away from your teeth until there is noticeable space between them, this may be an indication of gum disease which often leads to tooth loss if left untreated.

6) Persistent Irritation or Redness Around Your Teeth

For some people, tooth sensitivity can be caused by tooth decay or cavities. However, if you brush and floss regularly and still notice persistent irritation or redness around your teeth, this could be an indication of a bacterial infection in the gum tissue.

7) Tooth Pain on the Left Side of Your Face

If you experience tooth pain on the left side of your face and it doesn’t seem to go away on its own, you should schedule an appointment with your dentist. It’s also important to see a dentist if you experience pain in one specific tooth along with an infection in the gums or jawbone surrounding it.

Conclusion: Important Note

If any of these symptoms are impacting your oral health, do not delay in making an appointment with a dentist. Even though you may feel that waiting for two weeks to get an appointment will be fine, it could lead to permanent tooth loss. Practice prudence and contact your dental office ASAP so you can receive the treatment you need and restore oral health to its former glory!

Medically reviewed by Dr. Gurshant Grew - D.D.S. on November 13, 2021

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